
Olympia Katrin Style*RU of Catsvill County

Olympia Katrin Style*RU of Catsvill County






Great- Grandparents

Robinzon Katrin Style*RU
MCO x n 33
HCM, SMA, Pkdef N/N

Darling Big Boy
MCO ds 22

Ch.(WCF) Magic Energy Bercli
MCO es 22

Rubella Katrin Style*RU
MCO  fs 03

Veneta is Beautiful of Big Boy
MCO fs 09 22

Darling Big Boy
MCO ds 22

Alsy Katrin Style*RU
MCO  ns 09 22

Tiffany of SilverPlace PP
MCO fs 25


Dragoon White of Lionsgate
MCO es 22

Ich.(WCF) Giperboreya James
MCO as 09

Sam-Booka of  Lionsgate
MCO fs 22

Himera PP of  SilverPlace
MCO fs 25

Eseny Fiesta Soul
MCO ns 25

Absent Alfa Rommeo PP
MCO gs